The HomeFries is Fried

This comic is written by some guy named HomeFries

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I almost finished today's comic, but then it got really hard to concentrate. Instead, a friend came over and we watched a movie. At some point there was some Mt.dew spilled on the desk. Luckily, all that was harmed in the process was a mousepad and a phonebook that doubles as my laptop stand. I will bring you the comic tomorrow. It was even a continuation from yesterday! Yay! Continuality and such words and such and such and such and such there was Mt.Dew and ice cream and oreos and chocolate milk and straigh sugar and and and.... my tummy feels funny :(

The HomeFries is Fried is hosted on ComicGenesis, a communist régime dedicated to global domination, free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics and other communist forums alike. They may or may not also be having sex with your mom. No, they don't care if she is dead, you emo.